Conference 'The Makeable City?'

Location: Netherlands Architecture Institute (auditorium), Rotterdam
This year, the Regional Science Association Nederland (RSA-NL) is co-organising its spring meeting with the IABR. The meeting’s theme looks at the ‘makeability’ of cities and urban region. Urban planners and urban researchers will debate the following issues: how malleable are a city’s economy, culture and identity? What role should government play in this? Can a city be designed on the basis of a mathematical formula? To what extent can a city really be ‘made’?
Time: 9.30 - 18.00 hrs
Language: Dutch
Admission: €100 p.p. incl. lunch, coffee, tour (€80 for members)
Booking required: www.rsanederland.nl
09.30 Doors open
09.50 Opening
10.00 Cees-Jan Pen (Nicis)
10.35 Ron Boschma (University of Utrecht)
11.10 Break
11.25 Winy Maas (MVRDV)
12.00 Forum discussion
12.30 Lunch and tour of the Biennale exhibition
14.00 Themed sessions and round table debates I
15.30 Break
15.45 Themed sessions and round table debates II
17.15 Drinks
project team
Martijn Burger, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Gert-Jan Hospers, University of Twente and Radboud University of Nijmegen
Ronald Wall, Institute for Housing and Urban Studies, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
The Regional Science Association Nederland (RSA-NL) is a foundation concerned with research and policy in the domain of regional and urban economic and social issues. RSA-NL is highly multi- and interdisciplinary, and includes economists, ge- ographers, planners, demographers, and sociologists among its members.
‘The Makeable City?’ is organized by the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Twente and Radboud University Nijmegen.