Luchtsingel over the Schiekade

On Friday 13 July, phase two of the Luchtsingel was officially opened: with balloons – and lots of them – a group dance and live music. And the connection with the Schiekade is complete! Now, you can reach the centre of Rotterdam from the north of the city, avoiding the traffic-filled Hofplein.
The Luchtsingel was devised by ZUS as part of Test Site Rotterdam, a project for the 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. Eleven weeks ago, the scheme – designed to re-connect Rotterdam north and the city centre and revitalise the neglected Hofplein area – came first in the Rotterdam Stadsinitiatief contest. Winning the competition meant the project got the go-ahead and work on the bridge and area redevelopment could begin.
Although the second stage of the Luchtsingel is now in place, the promenade still has a way to go. Scheduled for completion in the near future, the entire Luchtsingel will extend as far as the Hofbogen. And will be followed by laying ‘Pompenburg Park’, in spring 2013.