Debate Making "Design and Politics"

Location: Netherlands Architecture Institute (Auditorium), Rotterdam
The debate Making “Design and Politics” centres on cross-sector and multidisciplinary approaches to city making, that take city design into a political dimension and that define urban politics through a design approach.
In 2011, in conjunction with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment in Berlin, Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB) organised a series of seven debates under the title Design and Politics: The Next Phase. As the concluding conversation for this series, the debate Making “Design and Politics” reflects on what was learned about the process of planning, politics and design.
As the opening conversation of the 2012 follow-up collaboration between ANCB and Henk Ovink, it explores how to embed adaptability into these alternative processes. Adaptability in spirit and principle, so as to redefine the scope and form of collaborations between planners, designers and politician as alternatives to simple process diagrams, and adaptability in modus operandi so as to test, reflect and engage with the issues at stake and with the meaningful spaces of contemporary life.
20.00 Start public debate in NAI Auditorium
Ole Bouman (Director of the Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam)
Kristin Feireiss (Director ANCB Metropolitan Laboratory and Aedes Architecture Forum)
Barbara Honrath/Claudia Curio (Goethe Institute Rotterdam)
Roelof Bleker (Chairman of the Board of Netherlands Fund for Architecture)
Introduction (and debate moderation)
Henk Ovink (Netherlands Ministry for Infrastructure and Environment, co-curator 5th IABR)
Wouter Vanstiphout (Professor of Design as Politics, Technical University Delft)
Thomas Sieverts (Founding partner S.K.A.T. Architects and Urban Planners, Bonn)
Respondents on podium
Floris Alkemade (Director Floris Alekmade Architects, Sint-Odenrode, Brussels, Paris)
Petra Wesseler (Head of Urban Development Projects, City of Chemnitz)
Respondents in front row
Robert Kaltenbrunner (German Federal Office on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development)
Arnold Reijndorp (Professor for Social-economic and Spatial Development of New Urban Areas)
Joachim Declerck (co-curator 5th IABR, Architecture Workroom, Brussels)
Pauline Terreehorst (Author and Advisor on urban culture, former director of Utrecht City Museum)
ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory is a unique cultural and educational platform in the contemporary urban-architectural discourse. Recognizing the inseparable interplay between the critical challenges facing cities and the physical environment, cultural behaviors, and ongoing advances in technologies and materials, ANCB generates the interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaborations necessary to offer innovative insights, positions, and visions.
Making ‘Design & Politics’ is organized by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory, with the support of the IABR, the NAI, the Goethe Institute Rotterdam and the Netherlands Fund for Architecture.