Installation by Ronald Cornelissen

Location: Test Site Rotterdam, Mini-Mall (Hofbogen), Raampoortstraat
On the occasion of the 5th IABR, Making City, Sculpture International Rotterdam (SIR) is organising a series of activities during the SIR Summer Programme with performances, lectures and guided tours that explore Rotterdam’s fifty works of public art.
Rotterdam artist Ronald Cornelissen is presenting an installation of the sculptures New Sun and New Bank for the Lehman Brothers. In the work, Cornelissen features the city and the architecture, the movers and shakers and the people hardest hit in a fascinating and comic game – wham, bam, you’re dead. Cornelissen is fascinated by the big city and by what can be an intimidating and impersonal architecture, and how people today increasingly live out their private lives in the public space.
2 - 19 August from Wednesday to Sunday between 12.00 and 20.00
Finissage on Sunday 19 August at 17.00 featuring a conversation with the artist