Lecture and workshop Martin Zebracki

Location: The Dépendance (Schieblock), Test Site Rotterdam
Sculpture International Rotterdam(SIR) invited Martin Zebracki to give a lecture in the Dépendance in Rotterdam on the role of public art, the artist and public space. The lecture is held on Tuesday 7 August and is part of the SIR Summer Programme and the 5th IABR: Making City.
SIR met with Zebracki several times in recent years with respect to his in-depth research into public art, particularly the relationship between the various initiating organisations and committees, the artworks, the city and the public. Paul McCarthy’s monument and the role and response of local inhabitants were central to his investigations.
Zebracki recently published his PhD. Thesis 'Public Artopia' in which, from his professional standpoint as cultural geographer, he researches the relationship between the artwork, public space and the public.
To date, there are few surveys of public art from a geographic perspective. Such investigations prove fascinating and productive for art – particularly the field of public art projects – largely because the research methods are different from those used by art historians. Moreover, there is a dearth of recent studies that seriously address the relationship between art, public space and public art through the eyes of the public (despite the fact that many international and national professionals give considerable effort to considering, developing visions about and researching contemporary art forms for public space).
Workshop from 17.00 to 18.00 (maximum of 20 places, registration obligatory)
Lecture from 19.30 to 20.30 (registration required)
Register via www.sculptureinternatioanlrotterdam.nl
Language: Dutch
Admission: Free