Friday Afternoon Café (film) - Test Site Rotterdam

Location: De Dépendance (Schieblock), Test Site Rotterdam
Making City Film Café with Victor Vroegindeweij
I am Gurgaon: the new urban India
Residents of the 'gated communities' of the privatised city of Gurgaon talk about their dreams, fears and the new self-confidence of India’s middle classes. Gurgaon is one of Delhi’s satellite cities, founded at the dawn of this century by major project developers – it is a prototype that, as the ranks of the Asian middle classes begins to swell, can be replicated a hundred times over.
Time: 18.00 – 19.00 (doors open at 17.00)
Language: English
Entry: Free
The Friday Afternoon Cafés are held every Friday from 27 April until 17 August.
Input for the Friday Afternoon Cafés is provided by AIR, the municipality of Rotterdam, EDBR/Rotterdamse Nieuwe, the Netherlands Architecture Fund, ArchiNed, de Cultuurscouts, VPRO and Rotterdam’s best DJs.