
Lecture: 'La Défense Seine Arche'


The mission of the l'Établissement Public de Gestion de la Défense is to plan and oversee the new urban development of the 560-hectare area  called La Défense Seine Arche. Owing to its central position in the west of Paris, the area is being developed to connect the individual projects in surrounding areas to one another. In reality, however, the various works of infrastructure in the area turn it into a patchwork of isolated tracts of land. At the same time, this produces a unique and recognizable topography. The most important objective of the project is to define a vision for the area’s development that takes into account the unique characteristics of the area whilst exploiting the connecting potential and strategic position of the area to the full.

Venue: Dépendance building, Schieblock, Schiekade 189, Rotterdam
Date: 8 November 2011
Starting time: 20:00 hrs
Admission: € 5, to be paid at the door
Language: English
Reservations: events@iabr.nl (reservation recommended)