
During the 5th IABR: Making City (20 April – 31 October 2012), lectures, debates and other activities will take place in different cities. This rich, diverse programme of events is made possible with the support of our partners.
Events at the Test Site Rotterdam (Schieblock)
Friday Afternoon Café
Every Friday afternoon during the 5th IABR: Making City, the Dépendance is organising conversations and film screenings in an informal setting, either by invitation or spontaneously. The Friday Afternoon Cafés tempt passers-by and occupants of the Test Site Rotterdam inside to finish the week with a beer. While there, they can listen to stories about new ways of city making. Various guests — both professionals and citizens, all of them pioneers in the city — will engage in conversations at the bar with alternative hosts for no longer than three-quarters of an hour. The hosts are Bart Cosijn, Ernest van der Kwast and Hajo Doorn. The Friday Afternoon Cafés take place every Friday from 20 April to 17 August. (In Dutch only)
Urban Meetings
In a series of seven public talks hosted by Elma van Boxel and Kristian Koreman (ZUS), people involved with the city will present their ideas about ‘making city’. These Urban Meetings take place on Tuesday evenings (20.00 – 22.00 hours) from 8 May to 14 August in the Dépendance (Schieblock, Test Site Rotterdam). (In Dutch only)
Events at the NAI
During the IABR, the NAi Platform program held each Thursday from 20.00 until 22.00 centres around Making City. Check the NAI website for the full program.
In collaboration with its partners, the IABR is also organizing a varied programme with lectures, debates and activities at the NAI. For the complete events schedule, please see our calendar.
Other events during IABR
ZIGZAGCITY (Rotterdam)
20.04.12 - 06.05.12
ZigZagCity reveals a different side of the city of Rotterdam and, from 20 april to 6 may, coincides with the first few weeks of the 5th IABR: Making City. Take an alternative route through the city centre - a trip filled with art, music and theatre (with a tour guide, or on your own) and discover hidden places in the Lijnbaankwartier. ZigZagcity connects the central locations of the IABR and, along with the architectural programme of the motel mozaïque festival, is an exciting, fun way to explore Rotterdam’s past, present and future.
For more information on ZigZagCity, please visit
19.04.12 - 22.04.12
For more information on Motel Mozaique, please visit
06.08.12 - 19.08.12
With performances on and under the Luchtsingel and the Hofbogen, an installation by Ronald Cornelissen and a lecture by Martin Zebracki (7 August): McCarthy’s ‘Butt Plug Gnome’ in Rotterdam: a creative black hole for city making.
For more information on Sculpture International Rotterdam, please visit