Master Class and lecture series on ‘Smart Synergy. The Inverted Metropolis’

In the opening week of the 5th IABR: Making City Stadslab European Urban Design Laboratory will organize a 6-day international Master Class 'Smart Synergy. The Inverted Metropolis' (20 till 26 April). Topic is to rethink the cycles of elementary resources for our cities: Food, Energy, Water and Waste. The Master Class will focus on Randstad Holland, the large metropolitan region including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague. The Master Class is open to all design students and professionals - architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects, engineers - at all levels of experience. More information on the Stadslab website.
Part of the Master Class program is public, including the lecture by Ton Venhoeven on 21 april on smart synergy, examples and valuation of smart urbanism. The two seminars ‘Smart metropolitan systems’ and ‘Smart post urban transition processes’ on 22 and 23 April. And the final presentation of the Master Class on 26 April.