Kick off Friday Afternoon Café (Vrijdagmiddagkaffee)

The first Vrijdagmiddagkaffee (Friday Afternoon Café) happened last Friday at the Dépendance on the IABR Test Site Rotterdam. Drink in hand, the audience had a chance to join in with the debate, led by Nico Haasbroek with Afaina de Jong (author of ‘For the People, By the People: A visual story on the DIY City’), Francien van Westrenen (Stroom, The Hague) and quartermaster Job van Maurik (Van der Leeuwkring).
4 May:
Vrijdagmiddagkaffee - Special Edition in collaboration with HipHopHuis
Vrijdagmiddagkaffee - Special Edition in collaboration with HipHopHuis
Next Friday (4 May), the Dépendance and HipHopHuis will together host a special edition Vrijdagmiddagkaffee. With HipHopHuis DJs and the screening of the documentary ‘Women Are Heroes’ by JR (artist and 2011 TED Prize-winner). – For further details, check the agenda.
The Friday Afternoon Cafés take place every Friday from 20 April to 17 August at the Dépendance (Schieblock, Test Site Rotterdam).
The Friday Afternoon Cafés take place every Friday from 20 April to 17 August at the Dépendance (Schieblock, Test Site Rotterdam).